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  彭敏博士目前受聘于清华大学基础医学院、清华-北大亚精产品一二四区视在线中心和清华大学免疫学研究所,任副教授、研究员、博士生导师。彭敏2005年本科毕业于四川大学华西医学中心临床医学专业,于2010年在北京协和医学院获得免疫学博士学位,2010-2017年在纽约纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心(MSCKCC)从事博士后研究, 研究方向为mTORC1调控机制和免疫代谢,相关研究成果以第一作者身份发表在Cell (2014)、Science (2016)及Nature (2017) 等杂志,并获得MSKCC 2015年度Postdoctoral Research Award (杰出博士后)荣誉称号。2017年,彭敏博士入职清华大学开展独立科研和教学工作,致力于使用高通量功能基因组学技术系统性地探索免疫学基本问题,尤其是记忆免疫记忆的本质和及其调控机制。自实验室建立以来,彭敏以通讯作者身份在Nature Immunology (2024)、Journal of Experimental Medicine (2023, 2024)、Journal of Clinical Investigations (2021) 及Cell Reports (2019) 等杂志发表研究成果,曾获得中组部青年千人称号(2018)以及“求是”杰出青年学者奖(2019)。



My laboratory is committed to advancing T cell research, with a dual focus on elucidating the foundational biology of T cells and exploring their therapeutic potential in combating diseases. Our primary objective is to unravel the intricate mechanisms governing T cell expansion, contraction, persistence, and memory formation. Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, we have recently achieved a groundbreaking milestone by inducing a novel state in T cells, termed Immortal-like and Functional (TIF). These reprogrammed TIF cells exhibit remarkable attributes, combining the near-limitless stemness reminiscent of iPSCs with the functional capabilities of mature T cells. This unique phenotype empowers them with unparalleled efficacy against various ailments, including tumors, viral infections, and numerous chronic diseases. Presently, we are deeply engaged in investigating the underlying mechanisms and exploring the clinical applications of TIF. Please visit our website: We are actively seeking postdoctoral fellows with a keen interest in T cell biology and immunotherapy to join us, please reach out to us at




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